Do you have a hard time bathing your dog? You probably think of bath time as being in a war with your dog. Especially if your dog has long hair like a Shih Tzu, bathing seems to take ages. In this article, you will find eight simple tips that can make your dog’s bathing experience a lot less stressful.

puppy, bath, foam

1. Brush your dog’s hair before a bath

Bathing can take more time than needed if your dog has a lot of tangles. To deal with this problem, work those tangles out first before deciding to get your dog wet, especially if he has matted hair. Brushing also helps to take out some of the dirt on your dog’s coat.

2. Use a grip

Make sure that you use a rubber grip or something to place in the tub. Without one, it will be difficult for your dog to stand comfortably. It will also be less likely that your dog will slip in the tub.

3. Use a gentle dog shampoo

What you might not know is that dogs have delicate skin. Remember that you ought not to use human shampoo on your dog as this could be very strong and irritating for their skin. Using one can cause them to have skin dryness and irritation.

Only use shampoo made for dogs. There are a variety of dog shampoos out there, but you might want to choose one that is organic and thus gentler on their skin and coat.

4. Use lukewarm water

When bathing your dog, use lukewarm water as this is safer than either hot or cold water. You surely do not want your dog to get scalded nor cause him to shiver in the cold because of the water temperature.

5. Start with the feet

Probably the most crucial tip in bathing a dog is to start with his feet. Lather up starting from the feet up to the head. And then rinse from the head down to the feet. With this technique, you will significantly reduce the time that there is shampoo on your dog’s head and areas near his eyes. Thus, it will not be so much terrifying for your canine pet.

6. Consider using a tub restraint

Using a restraint is essential for your dog’s safety. Some dogs try to get out of the tub while being bathed. If they keep on doing this, it is not only frustrating but also hazardous for you and your dog. With a restraint, you can worry less about the risk of slipping in your bathroom.

7. Use a towel when drying your dog

You have probably dried your dog with a towel and ended up getting wet as well. This way of drying your dog may be too burdensome, but this is the most practical way. Some use a hair dryer to dry the dogs after bathing. However, there is a possibility that your dog will run away from the sound of the dryer.

Make sure to not also air dry your dog outside. Your dog might roll on the ground and end up getting dirtier than before the bath.

8. Reward your dog

Rewarding your dog is vital, so there is a chance that it will be easier the next time around. Your dog will cooperate more if you make bathing time a rewarding experience for him. Try giving yummy treats before or after the bath.

Make sure that the treat you are giving him is only specific to being bathed. This way, it is easier for him to associate the reward with it and will be more cooperative during bath time.


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