In this article, we will share one of the heroic acts made by dogs. The topic may sound cliche, but it is legit.

Joe Stalnaker is a police officer and has a dog named Buddy, an 18-week-old German Shepherd. Joe adopted him from Michigan Based Paws with a Cause, and they have been together since Buddy was only 8-week-old.

Ten years ago, Stalnaker suffered from a head injury during his military training exercise. This head injury resulted in him having seizures from time to time.

One Wednesday night, Stalnaker experienced seizures again. And who do you think saved him? It is no other than Buddy!

But how?

In fact, Buddy is considered an assistant dog. He was trained to help his owner cope up with emergencies. He knows how to press the programmed button using a phone until 911 answers the call. And this is what he exactly did that Wednesday night.

According to Christ Scott, the 911 officer who answered Buddy’s call, he heard nothing on the other line but a dog’s bark. He kept asking what was wrong, but he got only a lot of barks from a dog. Thankfully, when Scott looked for the caller’s address, it was pinned with a note saying that a man was living there with an assistant dog who knows how to call 911.

911 immediately dispatched their officers to Joe’s location. That was when they heard a very loud barking from Buddy so they simply followed the sound and found Stalnaker in the nick of time.

According to Scottdale police, Sgt. Mark Clark, Stalnaker stayed at the hospital after that night for almost two days. He is now fully recovered.

Actually, it was not Buddy’s first heroic deed. It was actually his third time to do such a thing. What a real hero!

Source: Associated Press via Youtube


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