Wild0ne (CC0), Pixabay

Mother knows best — This statement holds true even for dog moms.

Deanna Thompson of Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society Org rescued 9-month-old and 10-month-old puppies. She then brought them to Barkers Pet Motel and Grooming, where they would meet their mom.

How did their separation happen?

Alex Aldred, who works at the said pet motel, saw the whole incident through the surveillance camera. Here’s what happened:

At first, the two pups looked really scared about the new environment. They were whining at the corner of their kennel; their noise even covered the whole place. And that was when Maggi, the mother dog, devised a plan to get out of her cage.

In Alex’s narration, when he checked the camera, Maggi was already in front of the pups’ kennel. She was resting there as if she was trying to analyze the situation. That’s when Sandy, Alex’s mom, went inside the pet motel to check what was happening between these dogs. Out of concern, she allowed Maggi to do what she wanted since then — to foster little puppies.

The moment Maggi entered the pups’ kennel, she just laid down there as if trying to get the puppies to get comfortable with her. The following day, they went back to check what the situation was after that night. And what they saw was really touching.

The two little pups stopped whining; instead, they were all at Maggi’s side, cuddling and snuggling to each other like a real family!

How touching, right?

If you are asking if she is the real mom? Unfortunately, no. But she can definitely be one. She did what a loving mom does to her little pups, and that was to cuddle and snuggle them to assure them that everything is fine.

According to Maggi’s caretaker, she actually gave birth to her own little pups. However, they all got adopted. Perhaps, that was her reason why she showed such a heartwarming concern.

They also said that even though it looked like the little pups needed Maggi as their mom, it is Maggi who needs them in reality. It seemed like at that time, she missed being a loving mom.

Source: Catherine Thorbecke via ABC News


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