axi-schnaxi (CC0), Pixabay

Dogs love surprises a lot. Like young children, dogs are unable to contain their curiosity and excitement as they attempt to identify the identity of any item concealed beneath some wrapping.

Two ecstatic Great Danes bound enthusiastically towards a freshly delivered box from Amazon, an ecommerce site. However, their enthusiasm got the best of them, and they invariably unpacked the parcel before they even reached their home.

In this exciting video, two cute Great Danes were seen galloping joyfully to their gate. Mikey is a Great Dane with spotted fur, while Ellie is a black dog.

At first, it appeared that Mikey and Ellie were eagerly strolling toward the entrance to begin their daily walk. Soon, the mother then eagerly followed her beloved dogs to investigate the ruckus that they were making. As Mom approached the dogs, it became apparent that they were playing with a box.

It turned out that Mom and the Great Danes received an Amazon box. However, before Mom could grab the box, Mikey and Ellie outwit her by figuring out how to carry it inside.

However, the dogs’ enthusiasm ultimately got the best of them, as they ripped a portion of the box before it could be moved off the asphalt. Most pet parents would have stopped whatever they were doing, but Mom allowed her gorgeous dogs to do what they were doing.

However, when Mom found Mikey and Ellie were just about to create a big mess with the box and its contents, she cautioned them to first deliver the item to their home. The black-furred Great Dane then picked up the box and placed it on the grass before opening it.

Do you think the dogs were able to unpack the contents of the package before it actually reached their home? Or did they finally follow their fur mom’s commands to bring the package inside?

Source: Rumble Viral


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