Not every pup that is taken to the vet has such fortunate fates. The following story highlights how pet owners go through strong emotions when they find out how severely injured their dog is. It also shows how owners look at it in a different and positive light.

A couple brought a dog named Sydney to the vet after she had an altercation with another dog. Two days after the fight, the owners noticed that Sydney was no longer able to move her back legs. The vet in charge of Sydney did a physical exam and took x-ray scans.

The vet broke the bad news to the owners. Based on the x-ray results, Sydney might already have spinal disk issues that got complicated because of the previous fight. She might have spinal disk fractures.

The veterinarian presented a few options to the owners. One of them is surgery to determine how severe the fracture was. However, Sydney is already an old dog, and surgery would do more harm than good. It is also expensive.

The other option would be to put Sydney on constant oral medication like steroids. This will ease the pain the dog feels. Both options, however, will not restore the dog’s ability to walk.

It was hard for the owners to take in the news. They love Sydney like a child, and it was heartbreaking for them to see her like that. They made it clear that surgery wasn’t an option for them.

The vet suggested a wheelchair as another option to make sure Sydney still lives a comfortable life. The vet also showed the owners another dog named Watson. He is a dog who is in a similar situation and is using a wheelchair.

The owners saw what Sydney’s future looked like. They were happy that their dog was at least alive. They looked forward to buying Sydney a wheelchair too.

Video courtesy of Animal Planet via YouTube.


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