We, as fur parents, always think of the benefits we can give our pets to give them happier and healthier lives. We provide our dogs with quality foods, love, care and we give them enough time for playing. These are just some of the usual things we provide for our pets. But aside from this, there are still more important things you need to do in order to successfully raise a healthy dog.

We are so much hooked with our work and our personal lives that sometimes we forget the little things that we can do to extend our dogs’ lifespan.

Most of us don’t realize that we are already neglecting our pets’ health. If this is something that you realized now, then it is not too late to make changes on how you can show your love for your pets. Begin with a simple step.

Here are the common mistakes that we do:

Letting your dog grow bigger

Obesity in dogs make their bodies weak and reduce their normal life span. Check your dog’s food intake and lessen the amount of food that you are giving. Give them enough time for proper exercise too. It is our responsibility to make our dogs live a healthy life.

Ignoring their dental health

Oral disease is a common problem in our pets. Oral bacteria can cause other health problems, like kidney failure and problems in the heart. To prevent this, brush your dogs’ teeth often and teeth cleaning should be done once a year with your vet.

Forgetting annual check ups

Even if your dog appears healthy, it is highly recommended to have an annual or bi-annual check up with a vet. A simple check up can save their lives or boost their life span. It is also a way to detect if your dogs have an illness or disease.

Not doing regular exercise

Exercise is very important to keep the dogs fit and healthy and also to vitalize their minds. A simple walk in the park, playing hide and seek, or chasing balls in the yard are simple activities you both can appreciate.

Exposing your dog to second-hand smoke

Like us, second-hand smoke is also harmful to a dog’s lungs. It can also cause respiratory illnesses or lung cancer. It is best if you quit smoking or keep your dog away from other smokers.

Ignoring flea, tick and heartworm

One other way to show our care is to keep our dogs free from those parasites. These can spread diseases and these creatures can threaten your dog’s life. Always follow the recommended treatment from your veterinarian to keep your dog flea-free and tick-free.

Giving your dog tablescrap

Aside from the fact that this will only give your pet extra calories, providing them oily tablescrap can cause pancreatitis. You need to be careful, too, when giving them other human foods. There are human foods that are harmful to your pets. The best thing you can do is to feed your dog in a separate room or area. This is to prevent you from giving them table scraps. Or better yet, you can give them a sliced apple or carrot.






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