Kane is a tiny newborn American bulldog puppy with deformities from breeding. His size is just slightly longer than a Tic Tac box.

He is a cleft puppy, a puppy that needs more care and support than most. To survive, he was put in an incubator, tube-fed, and given extra attention by Leslie, from NorCal Bully Breed Rescue. This rescue organization is helping bulldogs such as Kane.

By the time he opened his eyes, they had discovered sadly, that his right eye cannot see, and the other one has a scar over it. They were worried he may turn completely blind. There are times that he would go for days without food. He seemed to have no appetite and lost any excitement for life. As his already small body lost even more weight, his fur parent worried that he won’t be able to make it.

But Kane may be tiny, but he showed them that he has a really strong heart. One day, he just started drinking and eating on his own. He seemed to be full of renewed vigor and excitement for life.

Kane was running, barking, playing with the other dogs, and even tries to show them who’s boss. He’s growing up to be a charming boy.

After weeks of strengthening him up and waiting, finally, it’s time to go home to his forever family.

Melissa got him on a plane to her. As soon as she saw Kane, she knew he was meant for her.
For Melissa, Kane is like a cute potato, that brings her utmost love and joy.

Unfortunately, an opthalmologist recommended that they remove Kane’s blind eye. But it did not stop this ball of sunshine in being the happy, carefree, and lively dog that he is. He has a heart full of love for and from people around him, which is enough for a family to have their happy ending.

Images courtesy of Pudge The Pit’s Instagram account.


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